Scenic view over a bridge in Paris
Its been about exactly 2 months from my last post and I have gone through 6 weeks of school with a break now. I think its a good point to jot down my reflections in various parts of my life.
Spiritual and Personal: I think I have settled down much more completely after the initial ‘aftershocks’ from arriving in Singapore. But somehow I know and feel a little different than before, and such a change within is permanent. I am much more in touch with my inner emotions, not so freely willing to cast it aside and continue the drive through my work. I am learning how to balance this though, because it can possibly tilt too far in one direction to cause slight and unnecessary fluctuations. I don’t expect too much in this season, and I want to focus on what is basic. Reading the Word, studying deeper into it and learning lessons from the Lord has continued to be a source of joy and peace to my heart, keeps me anchored amidst the waves of changes around me.
I have been learning to have ‘malleable’ heart, a word the Lord has spoken to me very recently. I know it to be from Him aside from the peace, but because ‘malleable’ is such a chemistry term and no where in the world will I think of such a word by myself in my daily routines of life! Checked it up on the dictionary, it means:
- (esp of metal) able to be worked, hammered, or shaped under pressure or blows without breaking
- able to be influenced; pliable or tractable
It also has the synonyms of mouldable and flexible.
I think it is interesting to think of metal as something hard and strong, yet being soft enough to be shaped and moulded to a desired shape. I think it is both an assurance and preparation for myself in how things will develop in my life. Assurance because it is another confirmation along a line of affirming words the Lord has spoken to me. Isaiah 45:9 from the Message version talked about how the clay can talk back to the potter asking, ‘what are you doing? What clumsy fingers?’. I find myself asking that in this season of my life. In fact, I asked the Lord the question ‘what are you doing’ way back in Copenhagen, on one cool evening when I was strolling along a park outside my apartment. The Lord has finally answered me this question in the first CGM I was leading – He said and is saying to me that He is shaping and moulding me to be more and more like His Son Jesus Christ, depositing ‘treasure in earthen vessels’ like me which is really the ‘the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ’ (2 Cor 4:6,7).