Venice, Italy

Venice, Italy

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama. Minstry. NUS

This is the first time I have been so faithful in following the US presidential Election for my entire life. That fateful night which began with me wanting to find some entertainment over youtube brought my attention to Obama's Presidential Nominee Speech. After hearing him speak I was completely blown away by his vision and hope for a United States of America. I was captivated by his speeches and down-to-earth personality throughout the entire election.

Obama is certainly a far cry from George Bush, that Texas wildboy image seemed never to leave his tenure in the White House. Lauded as a national hero after 9-11, all he did was to drag the whole nation into political, military, social and now economic chaos- what 'WOW', or should I say 'WILD', things the 'national hero' had gotten America into. I pray that Obama will live up to his words of establishing the moral integrity of the nation in the world and I have this sensing he will make a great president.

Just got back some of my results as well, and although somewhat disappointed by my score in my film analysis paper, God is faithful and I was delighted to see the grade A for my sociology mid term test! I would honestly say I upheld the name of SOT (perhaps quite an exaggeration but anyways) by impressing my tutor on the subject of secularisation in the modern world. Praise the Lord!

I learnt one thing: Academic excellence and ministry fruitfulness go hand in hand together.

Another thing: Every disappointment can be changed into an active declaration of faith and confidence that God is faithful and will give the best to my life. What Marx regarded of God as 'the opium of the people' was to me a misintepretation of the faith people had in God. Accepting disappointment is an acknowledgement that we live in an imperfect world where we fail to have our expectations met, but it is also a confidence in God that despite all things, God works together for our good. Is that passive resignation to reality?

And as Obama proclaimed in his closing sentence of his Democratic Convention speech, he quoted from Hebrews 10:23 --

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope WITHOUT WAVERING, for HE who promised is FAITHFUL.

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