Venice, Italy

Venice, Italy

Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Post for New Year

Well after a rather long hiatus I am back, to usher in the (Lunar) New Year. The inertia to write anything is sure great.

My 1st semester in NUS had been great, really enjoyed the modules I was studying. Whats more, praise be to the Lord that I scored 4.8 for my CAP, and my brother was equally capable too.

Well I just have some random thoughts which I want to pin it down.

Obama and Kee Liang seem to have some similarities.

Both came from a rather humble background, and unfortunately lost their mums to cancer.

Both are left-handed.

Both wants to do great things in life. One has already made history, the other is making history His Story.

Yup, USA need to reclaim its moral responsibility in this world.

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